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nm450tuf pjanċa reżistenti għall-ilbies-42

Azzar reżistenti għall-ilbies ta 'arrest ta' xquq fraġli ta 'duttilità għolja

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NM450Tuf Pjanċa Reżistenti għall-Ilbes

NM450Tuf high-toughness crack-resistant and wear-resistant steel ensures that the wear resistance remains unchanged, while the impact energy at -20℃ can reach 110J.

The low-temperature toughness is more than twice that of the same level of wear-resistant steel and 4 times higher than the national standard requirements. It can serve in an environment of -60℃, and the wear resistance and service life are doubled without increasing the cost of processing technology such as welding.


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  • Ħarsa ġenerali
  • Prodotti relatati
NM450Tuf Pjanċa Reżistenti għall-Ilbes
NM450Tuf Pjanċa Reżistenti għall-Ilbes
NM450Tuf Pjanċa Reżistenti għall-Ilbes
NM450Tuf Pjanċa Reżistenti għall-Ilbes
NM450Tuf Pjanċa Reżistenti għall-Ilbes
NM450Tuf Pjanċa Reżistenti għall-Ilbes

???? deskrizzjoni:


NM450Tuf wear-resistant plate is an ultra-high reżistenti għall-ilbies steel plate, which belongs to low-alloy high-strength steel with a surface hardness of 450HB (Brinell hardness). It is developed based on the traditional wear-resistant plate NM450 steel plate, and adopts a series of special smelting processes to enhance its performance in high-wear and high-impact environments, especially in terms of impact resistance, toughness and thermal stability.


NM450Tuf wear-resistant plate is not only superior to general wear-resistant materials in hardness, but its high strength and impact resistance enable it to work normally in environments that many traditional wear-resistant steel plates cannot withstand, especially under strong impact and high load conditions, it is more stable.


???? Speċifikazzjonijiet NM450Tuf:


Gradi tal-Azzar

Qawwa ta' Rendiment (MPa)

Qawwa tat-tensjoni (MPa)

Titwil (A50%)

Ebusija Brinell (HBW)

L-Impatt ta 'l-Enerġija

(KV2, J)

Speċifikazzjoni Disponibbli (mm)


≥1100 (1290)

≥1300 (1540)

≥7 (16.5)

420-480 (453)

≥48 (106)



???? Main Characteristics of NM450Tuf Wear-resistant Plate:


  • High Hardness and Excellent Wear Resistance:The surface hardness of NM450Tuf wear-resistant plate reaches 450HB. Hardness directly determines the wear resistance of the material. The higher the hardness, the stronger the wear resistance. Therefore, NM450Tuf wear-resistant plate can effectively cope with long-term wear and friction. In high-wear working conditions such as mining, crushing and transportation, it can greatly reduce the wear degree of equipment and reduce the replacement frequency, thereby improving production efficiency.


  • Super Strong Impact Resistance:Through special smelting and treatment processes, NM450Tuf wear-resistant plate can still maintain high toughness under high impact loads to avoid cracks.


  • Stabbiltà Termali Eċċellenti:NM450Tuf wear-resistant plate is not only suitable for high-temperature working environment, but also has excellent thermal stability. Many wear-resistant materials are prone to performance degradation or even brittle fracture when encountering sudden temperature changes, but NM450Tuf wear-resistant plate can effectively withstand temperature fluctuations and maintain stable working performance.


???? Applikazzjonijiet:


NM450Tuf huwa użat ħafna fil-minjieri, metallurġija, makkinarju tal-kostruzzjoni, loġistika u trasport, makkinarju agrikolu u oqsma oħra.

nm plate.jpg

???? Ippakkjar tal-Prodott:


Aħna nużaw l-aktar modi sikuri u effettivi ta 'ppakkjar għat-tipi kollha ta' kunsinni. 

hardox plate.jpg


???? FAQ:


1.Q: Kemm idum jista 'jagħmel il-kunsinna?

A: Għal prodotti tal-istokk, se tagħmel vjeġġi fi 5-7 ijiem wara li tirċievi d-depożitu; għal prodotti jeħtieġu produzzjoni ġdida għal materjali komuni, ġeneralment jagħmlu vjeġġi f'10-15-il jum; għall-prodotti jeħtieġu produzzjoni ġdida għal materjali speċjali u rari, ġeneralment jeħtieġu 20-30 jum biex jagħmlu vjeġġ.


2.Q:Can I nżur il-fabbrika tiegħek?

A: Sure, merħba li żżur il-fabbrika tagħna fi kwalunkwe ħin.


3.Q:fejn int?

A: Anyang fil-Provinċja ta 'Henan.


4.Q: Liema ċertifikazzjonijiet għandhom il-prodotti tiegħek?

A: Għandna ISO 9001, BV, SGS, CE, TUV u ċertifikazzjonijiet oħra.


5.Q:What huma tiegħek termini ta ' ħlas?

A:30% T/T depożitu bil-quddiem, 70% T/T bilanċ fi żmien 5 ijiem wara kopja B/L, 100%. Irrevokabbli L/C fil-vista, 100% Irrevokabbli L/C wara li tirċievi B/L 30-120 jiem, O/A.




NM450Tuf, iċ-Ċina Duttilità Għolja Fraġli Xquq Arrest Manifatturi ta 'Azzar Reżistenti għall-Ilbes, Fornituri, Fabbrika, Azzar Reżistenti għall-Korrużjoni, Azzar Reżistenti għall-Ilbes ta' Klassi Għolja Mwebbsa U Ittemprat,Azzar reżistenti għall-ilbies ta 'arrest ta' xquq fraġli ta 'duttilità għolja,Azzar Super Reżistenti għall-Ilbes, Azzar Reżistenti għal Temperatura Għolja U Ilbes, Azzar Reżistenti għall-Ilbes Mn Għoli, Proporzjon ta' Rendiment Baxx Azzar Reżistenti għall-Ilbes,NM400Tuf

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