NM450HiTemp Pjanċa tal-Azzar Reżistenti għall-Ilbes
NM450HiTemp is a high-temperature wear-resistant steel. The tensile strength of this product at 300℃-600℃ is significantly better than that of ordinary wear-resistant steel. At 500℃, the tensile strength is still 907MPa, which is 1.5 times that of the same level of wear-resistant steel. At 600℃, the tensile strength is 3 times that of NM450.
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Traditional wear-resistant steel is sensitive to temperature. When the temperature is higher than 200℃, the hardness becomes weaker. However, for high temperature, when the temperature reaches 500℃, the hardness of NM450HiTemp remains unchanged.
According to the change chart below, it can be clearly seen that NM450HiTemp is a high-temperature wear-resistant steel. The tensile strength of this product at 300℃-600℃ is significantly better than that of ordinary wear-resistant steel. At 500℃, the tensile strength is still 907MPa, which is 1.5 times that of the same level of wear-resistant steel. At 600℃, the tensile strength is 3 times that of NM450.
The change chart above shows:
The tensile strength of NM450HiTemp decreases relatively slowly after being kept at 300℃-500℃ for 48h. The tensile strength can still reach 1212MPa after being kept at 500℃ for 48h.
Isem tal-prodott |
Pjanċa tal-Folja tal-Azzar Reżistenti għall-Ilbes |
Grad tal-Azzar |
NM300,NM300TP,NM360, NM400, NM400E,NM450,NM450E, NM500, NM550, NM500E,NM600,NM450HiTemp |
standard |
Ħxuna |
2mm-300mm |
Wisa |
500-2500mm |
Tul |
1000mm-12000mm jew skond it-talba speċjali tal-klijent |
Tolleranza |
Ħxuna: +/-0.02mm, Wisa ':+/-2mm |
Ħin Kunsinna |
7-15-il jum tax-xogħol wara l-irċevuta ta 'depożitu ta' 30%. |
Ċertifikazzjoni |
Pakkett |
Mazz bi strixxa tal-azzar, tbaħħir tal-kontejners |
NM450HiTemp Mechanical Property:
Grad ta 'l-azzar |
Yield strength (Typical)MPa |
Tensile strength(Typical)MPa |
Elongation(Typical)A50% |
Brinell Hardness(Typical)HBW |
Available specification ,mm |
NM450HiTemp |
≥1100(1260) |
≥1300(1540) |
≥7(15.6) |
≥420(456) |
3-25*1000-2050 |
NM450HiTemp is mainly suitable for diamond heating rollers and recycled material heating rollers.
Ippakkjar tal-Prodott:
Aħna nużaw l-aktar modi sikuri u effettivi ta 'ppakkjar għat-tipi kollha ta' kunsinni.
1.Q: Kemm idum jista 'jagħmel il-kunsinna?
A: Għal prodotti tal-istokk, se tagħmel vjeġġi fi 5-7 ijiem wara li tirċievi d-depożitu; għal prodotti jeħtieġu produzzjoni ġdida għal materjali komuni, ġeneralment jagħmlu vjeġġi f'10-15-il jum; għall-prodotti jeħtieġu produzzjoni ġdida għal materjali speċjali u rari, ġeneralment jeħtieġu 20-30 jum biex jagħmlu vjeġġ.
2.Q:Can I nżur il-fabbrika tiegħek?
A: Sure, merħba li żżur il-fabbrika tagħna fi kwalunkwe ħin.
3.Q:fejn int?
A: Anyang fil-Provinċja ta 'Henan.
4.Q: Liema ċertifikazzjonijiet għandhom il-prodotti tiegħek?
A: Għandna ISO 9001, BV, SGS, CE, TUV u ċertifikazzjonijiet oħra.
5.Q:What huma tiegħek termini ta ' ħlas?
A:30% T/T depożitu bil-quddiem, 70% T/T bilanċ fi żmien 5 ijiem wara kopja B/L, 100%. Irrevokabbli L/C fil-vista, 100% Irrevokabbli L/C wara li tirċievi B/L 30-120 jiem, O/A.
NM450HiTemp Wear Resistant Steel Plate, China Abrasion Resistant Steel Sheet Manufacturers, Suppliers, Factory, NM300Wear Resistant SteelSheet, NM360Wear Resistant SteelSheet, NM500Wear Resistant SteelSheet,High Wear Resistance And High Toughness,High Quality,Pjanċa tal-Azzar Reżistenti għall-Ilbes NM600,NM300TP,NM400,NM400E,NM450,NM450E,NM500,NM500E,NM360