NM400Tuf/ NM450Tuf/NM500Tuf
High-toughness crack-resistant and wear-resistant steel NM400Tuf-NM500Tuf is the latest upgraded product of traditional wear-resistant steel. It is the best engineering machinery wear-resistant steel with the best matching strength and toughness in the domestic market.
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High-toughness crack-resistant and wear-resistant steel NM400Tuf-NM500Tuf is the latest upgraded product of traditional wear-resistant steel. It is the best engineering machinery wear-resistant steel with the best matching strength and toughness in the domestic market. Under the premise of ensuring the same level of product strength and hardness, it effectively inhibits cracking and crack propagation by greatly improving impact toughness. The impact performance of NM450Tuf at -20℃ can reach more than 100J, which is about 60%-80% higher than traditional wear-resistant steel and can reach 4 times the national standard.
High-Toughness Crack-Resistant And Wear-Resistant Steel Properity:
Gradi tal-Azzar |
Qawwa ta' Rendiment (MPa) |
Qawwa tat-tensjoni (MPa) |
Elongation (A50%) |
Ebusija Brinell (HBW) |
L-Impatt ta 'l-Enerġija (KV2, J) |
Available Specification (mm) |
NM400Tuf |
≥1000 (1180) |
≥1200 (1390) |
≥10 (18.3) |
370-430 (405) |
≥48 (113) |
3.0-25.0*1000-2050 |
NM450Tuf |
≥1100 (1290) |
≥1300 (1540) |
≥7 (16.5) |
420-480 (453) |
≥48 (106) |
3.0-25.0*1000-2050 |
NM500Tuf |
≥1200 (1390) |
≥1500 (1680) |
≥7 (14.5) |
≥470 (506) |
≥38 (70) |
3.0-25.0*1000-2050 |
Construction and Mining Equipment: For wear-prone parts such as excavator buckets, loader dump trucks and crusher liners.
Automotive: Often used in dump truck bodies, which are lighter and more energy-efficient than traditional steel.
Heavy Structural Applications: For frames and support structures that require superior load-bearing capacity and resistance to harsh environmental conditions.
Ippakkjar tal-Prodott:
Aħna nużaw l-aktar modi sikuri u effettivi ta 'ppakkjar għat-tipi kollha ta' kunsinni.
1.Q: Kemm idum jista 'jagħmel il-kunsinna?
A: Għal prodotti tal-istokk, se tagħmel vjeġġi fi 5-7 ijiem wara li tirċievi d-depożitu; għal prodotti jeħtieġu produzzjoni ġdida għal materjali komuni, ġeneralment jagħmlu vjeġġi f'10-15-il jum; għall-prodotti jeħtieġu produzzjoni ġdida għal materjali speċjali u rari, ġeneralment jeħtieġu 20-30 jum biex jagħmlu vjeġġ.
2.Q:Can I nżur il-fabbrika tiegħek?
A: Sure, merħba li żżur il-fabbrika tagħna fi kwalunkwe ħin.
3.Q:fejn int?
A: Anyang fil-Provinċja ta 'Henan.
4.Q: Liema ċertifikazzjonijiet għandhom il-prodotti tiegħek?
A: Għandna ISO 9001, BV, SGS, CE, TUV u ċertifikazzjonijiet oħra.
5.Q:What huma tiegħek termini ta ' ħlas?
A:30% T/T depożitu bil-quddiem, 70% T/T bilanċ fi żmien 5 ijiem wara kopja B/L, 100%. Irrevokabbli L/C fil-vista, 100% Irrevokabbli L/C wara li tirċievi B/L 30-120 jiem, O/A.
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