Pjanċa tal-bastiment tal-pressjoni ASTM A516 Gr60
A516Gr60 is a series of American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards specifically for pressure vessel steels. It indicates that this steel has a carbon content within a specific range and meets a series of standards and requirements related to pressure vessel manufacturing.
- Ħarsa ġenerali
- Prodotti relatati
- Petrochemical equipment: such as oil storage tanks, reactors, etc.
- Pressure pipelines: mainly used for oil transportation.
- Chemical equipment: such as reactors, heat exchangers, towers, etc.
- Power station boilers: need to withstand high-temperature and high-pressure steam and corrosive media.
- Pressure vessels: such as gas storage tanks, liquefied gas storage tanks, etc.
ASTM A516 is a specification that specifies the requirements for carbon steel plates used in medium and low temperature services. Known for its excellent weldability and notch toughness, the material is ideal for pressure vessels, boilers, and tanks. ASTM A516 is often used in industrial settings to ensure safe containment of gases and liquids at different temperatures. In addition, SA 516 is the ASME designation for the same material, A516.
A516Gr60 is a series of American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards specifically for pressure vessel steels. It indicates that this steel has a carbon content within a specific range and meets a series of standards and requirements related to pressure vessel manufacturing.
A516 represents the type and basic properties of the steel plate, while Gr60 indicates the strength grade of the steel plate. The "60" here is more of a designation that does not correspond exactly to the specific tensile strength value, but indicates that it has higher strength characteristics.
Delivery Condition: Steel plates with a thickness of less than 40 mm are usually delivered in a hot-rolled state. Normalizing or stress relief can also be specified in the technical agreement. Steel plates with a thickness exceeding 40 mm must be delivered in the normalized condition.
Isem tal-prodott |
Pjanċa tal-Azzar tal-Bastiment tal-Pressjoni |
Grad tal-Azzar (ASTM/ASME) |
ASTM A516 Gr55,60,65,70 |
Ħxuna |
5mm li 150mm |
Wisa |
1,500mm li 2,500mm |
Tul |
6,000mm li 12,000mm |
Esportazzjoni lejn |
Iran, Għarabja Sawdija, Emirati Għarab Magħquda, Singapor, Malasja |
ASTM A516 Gr60 Chemical Composition:
Kompożizzjoni kimika |
Massimu C % għall-ħxuna t (mm) |
Mn % għal |
Si% |
P % max |
S % max |
6-12.5mm |
12.5-25mm |
25-50mm |
> 50mm |
≤ 12.5mm |
> 12.5mm |
A516 Gr60 |
0.21 |
0.23 |
0.23 |
0.25 |
0.6-0.9 |
0.80-1.20 |
0.13-0.45 |
0.035 |
0.035 |
ASTM A516 Gr60 Steel Plate Mechanical Properties:
Grad |
Qawwa tat-tensjoni (ksi) |
Qawwa tat-tensjoni (MPa) |
Qawwa ta' Rendiment (ksi) |
Qawwa ta' Rendiment (MPa) |
Titwil f'200mm (%) |
Titwil f'50mm (%) |
A516 Grad 60 |
60-80 |
415-550 |
32 |
220 |
21 |
25 |
Ippakkjar tal-Prodott:
1) Ippakkjar tal-qatet b'ċinturin tal-azzar.
2) Gzuz ippakkjar b'borża tal-plastik.
3) Ippakkjar bħala talba tal-klijent.
1.Q: Kemm idum jista 'jagħmel il-kunsinna?
A: Għal prodotti tal-istokk, se tagħmel vjeġġi fi 5-7 ijiem wara li tirċievi d-depożitu; għal prodotti jeħtieġu produzzjoni ġdida għal materjali komuni, ġeneralment jagħmlu vjeġġi f'10-15-il jum; għall-prodotti jeħtieġu produzzjoni ġdida għal materjali speċjali u rari, ġeneralment jeħtieġu 20-30 jum biex jagħmlu vjeġġ.
2.Q:Can I nżur il-fabbrika tiegħek?
A: Sure, merħba li żżur il-fabbrika tagħna fi kwalunkwe ħin.
3.Q:fejn int?
A: Anyang fil-Provinċja ta 'Henan.
4.Q: Liema ċertifikazzjonijiet għandhom il-prodotti tiegħek?
A: Għandna ISO 9001, BV, SGS, CE, TUV u ċertifikazzjonijiet oħra.
5.Q:What huma tiegħek termini ta ' ħlas?
A:30% T/T depożitu bil-quddiem, 70% T/T bilanċ fi żmien 5 ijiem wara kopja B/L, 100%. Irrevokabbli L/C fil-vista, 100% Irrevokabbli L/C wara li tirċievi B/L 30-120 jiem, O/A.
Pjanċa tal-Bastimenti tal-Pressjoni ASTM A516 Gr60, Manifatturi tal-Pjanċa tal-Bastimenti tal-Pressjoni taċ-Ċina, Fornituri, Fabbrika, Steelsheet tal-Karbonju, Folja tal-Azzar tal-Bini tal-Bastimenti, Azzar tal-Karbonju, Pjanċa tal-Azzar Corten, Coil tal-Azzar tal-Karbonju, Pajp tal-Azzar tal-Karbonju,Pjanċa tal-Reċipjent tal-Pressjoni ASTM A516,Pjanċa tal-bastiment tal-pressjoni ASTM A516 Gr55